​We publish fiction, nonfiction, and poetry about the hard, the beautiful, the exhausting, the outrageous, the moving, the maddening, the ugly, the loving, the grieving, the anything-but-perfect teaching and teacher world.​

Send us your unpublished fiction about teaching, teachers, and/or education.

Prose should be under 3000 words (but shorter is better)

Please read our journal to get a feel for what we're looking for!

Send us your unpublished nonfiction related to teaching, teachers, and/or education! 

Prose should be under 3000 words (but shorter is better)

Please read our journal to get a feel for what we're looking for!

Send us 1-5 unpublished poems related to teaching, teachers, and/or education!

Please read our journal to get a feel for what we're looking for!


Any short story or work of nonfiction about teaching, teachers, and/or education (under 3000 words). Guaranteed response within 7 days!


1-5 poems about teaching, teachers, and/or education. Guaranteed response within 7 days!

Porcupine Literary